Treadmills can be used for running, walking, or jogging. Whether you want to lose weight or you’re training for a marathon, running on a treadmill can help you reach your fitness goals. Treadmills allow you to create a workout based on the amount of time you have to exercise. Treadmills also give you complete control, enabling you to adjust the speed, incline, warm-up period, cool-down period, and amount of energy you expend.
Maintaining a precise pace and running a specific distance is easier when you have a treadmill. On the other hand, if you run outside, you may naturally slow down because of fatigue and thus have more difficulty reaching your goal pace. This can have a negative impact on the quality of your workout.
Interval training workouts, which alternate short, high-intensity bursts of speed with slow recovery periods, are a lot easier to do on treadmills because you can run precise distances at a set speed. Additionally, having a treadmill is helpful if you need to train for an event or maintain a specific pace when you’re lacking motivation.
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